Monday, August 30, 2010

"What is Graphic Design?" - A Power To Wield

When I was building my artistic skills in high school and community college, I always seemed to encounter the same problem.  I would paint, and draw,  and do other more free-form art methods, but i never seemed to be satisfied on a whole.  I didn't really have any goals when I worked on art, which while relaxing, meant that I would always feel as if I wasn't accomplishing anything of particular worth.  Sure, I had painted a beautiful image, learned to render models faithfully and otherwise flourish in traditional art, but otherwise my world was virtually unaffected by what I had done.

I looked to Graphic Design and saw something different: while it still was definitely expressive and artistic, It DID have goals that could be applied in a practical manner. Not only could I produce a piece that moved people aesthetically, but also change the way they thought and felt in a very surgical sense.  There's much more power with that in my mind, then with most traditional art.  It helps me feel like I am doing my part to improve and shape society to pursue graphic design

Painting's a good hobby for me, Graphic Design's a good purpose

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