Monday, October 18, 2010

Partner critique - part 1

With my compositions, I had my problems, but when I had them, they tended to go across that category.  My partner was Erica


I should edit the lines beneath the line comps.  The type should also be more condensed and maybe a bit smaller to avoid cutoffs. Also, the grey may be unnecessary in the background.


There's a good chance the composition will be improved with all white lines extended.  The random line is good, but there needs to be more, or none.


 This has its merits.  It mainly needs to have the type more centered in the gap.


Way too literal, and the text is too hard to read.  Its a strong pairing though


Same problems as 1, but slanted.  The text is better though.


The pole is now last, the type is better, but still not great. Its unclear what it communicates

The servers starting to reject files, the rest will be on a seperate post


  1. Dylan: ( slant posters 1-3)

    Pairing: On the top 3 posters I feel the pairings are very nice they just need to be reworked a little bit in order to make sure all of the lines match up perfectly.

    Type: On Poster 1 and 2 the type needs to be fixed a little bit so it either goes off the page of doesn't, it seems very undecided. Poster 3 on the other hand is nice but the text should be centered. right now it is up to high.

    Craft: the craft is nice just make sure everything is matched up perfectly.

    Overal and communication: I really enjoy the line breaking in collage 3. The white lines are really working for me. Communication wise I am unsure how the image relates to the area.

  2. Dylan: (Pole comp 1-3)

    Pairing: The pairing is excellent on these. I can really get the sense of the pole rounding off on either side. Using the progressive line study really does the image justice.

    Type: In these the type almost gets lost because of its gray tint. I feel it either needs to be black or white. Placement wise it looks very nice and works well with each composition.

    Legibility: the comps are legible but I feel they are almost too literal sometimes. At the same time I enjoy the literal aspects of them.

    Craft: Again like we discussed the craft needs to be tightened up so that all the lines go where they are supposed to end and begin.

    Overall: the first two are very similar and in the last collage I get confused and lost in the design.

    Communication: I feel the communication is a stretch but after talking to you I completely understand what you are trying to say. I just think you may need to try a different approach to convey that imagery you want to viewers to see.
